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Sunday, June 24, 2012


Title: Infestation

ISBN: 9781613771068

Price: $34.99

Publisher/Year: IDW, 2011

Artist: David Messina, Nick Roche, Giovanni Timpano, Gary Erskine, Casey
Maloney, Kyle Hotz, Antonio Campo

Writer: Dan Abnett, Andy Lanning, Mike Raicht, Scott Tipton, David Tipton, Erik
Burnham, Jason M. Burns

Collects: Infestation #1-2, Transformers: Infestation #1-2, G.I. Joe: Infestation #1-2, Star Trek: Infestation #1-2, Ghostbusters: Infestation #1-2

Rating: 2/5

While reading this trade, all I
could think is that IDW was trying to capitalize on what Marvel has with the
Marvel Zombie line of trades. I think they were hoping to draw pop culture
interest by using Transformers, G.I. Joe Star Trek and Ghostbusters where Marvel
simply used their classic characters. I don’t feel that they had the same draw
that Marvel did.

The art is okay for this trade,
even though I suspect that they didn’t utilize the already existing artists
from the specific titles. I’ll be honest that I don’t follow any of the regular
titles of than G.I. Joe. I think this fact should have been a key indicator of
the level of quality contained within. If they didn’t have enough faith to put
the professionals who drawn these characters on a frequent basis, then there’s
probably not much hope for the series.

Each section has a different spin
on how the infection is spread, with the connection being a vampire named Brit
from a group called CVO. That’s where it all begins, and that’s where it
ultimately “ends”… or does it. The ending leaves it very open to future

There’s not much that can be said
about this particular trade. You could live well enough with or without this
trade in your collection. I’m not convinced that it adds enough to give it a
glowing nod to go out and have you add it, but it also doesn’t detract.

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